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micol muratori
It ever was, and is, and shall be, ever-living fire, in measures being kindled and in measures going out.
- Heraclitus
"Apparitions" mixed media installation, 2023
An installation bringing together large scale drawings, prints, light projections and a video, resulting from a year's exploration into mark-making, the body, and interior worlds.
Apparitions was displayed as part of the Masters Degree show exhibition at the University of Dundee in DJCAD, in August 2023.
Apparitions explores the relationship between chance and meaning, highlighting the interplay between the visible and invisible. The work began with fire-drawn marks on thermal paper, using an incense stick and lighter. Figures and forms emerge through improvised gestures, over-drawing, and layering, embodying a sense of fluidity and change. The pieces blur boundaries between body and environment, form and fluidity, and background and foreground.
The collection includes Flight Notations, Morphing, and Dissolving Continuum. A video documents the original, improvised creation process. (full text)
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